Author Archives: Mere Axelrod

Kirk’s 2 month Birthday

Kirk turned 2 months on September 22nd.  He also went to the doctor and got his first round of shots.  He officially weighted 11lb 14oz (40%) Height 23.5″ (74%).  He is holding his head up well, tracking and started to figure out his hands.  Grabbing his keys and butterfly are his favorite things.  He spends a good bit of this time on this belly and commonly rolls onto his side.  We think he will roll on his belly soon.

Kirk’s first road trip

We took our first road trip and night away from the house in VA.

It was a special weekend with cousin Katherine Baptism.  It was a great weekend together as a family.  Kirk traveled well only having to stop once going and twice coming home.

Kirk’s 1 month birthday

The first mont hwas difficult but he gained weight and height.  We was unofficially 9.6 lb 23″ long.

We also celebrated our 2 year anniversary.  We went to Dairy Queen to celebrate both occasions.


Kirk William Steinhagen

Born at 12:26 pm on July 22nd, 9 lbs 22 inchs long.  Both Mom and Baby are doing well.

Baby Showers

It has been an exciting few months for the Steinhagen Family!!

PA Shower

Thank to the party hosts

We also had a Reston VA baby shower.

Both Alli and I were getting BIG